What do you wear to a farmers’ market? Something that moves and breathes, comfortable shoes, a market tote to carry goodies, and a hat to keep the sun off your face and tamp down summer “humidity hair” (perhaps that last one is just me). The wedge espadrilles are second-hand Ralph Lauren (from OMT! Divine Women’s Resale), my denim skirt is Tommy Hilfiger (via Goodwill), the T-shirt is from Banana Republic (old, on major sale), and the sunglasses are Coach (LensCrafters). My hat came from a shop in Zagreb, Croatia, and the tote from a beach vendor in Mexico. My necklaces were made from hardware store bead chain, plus a crystal (bought as a keychain in an airport) and a turquoise-ish pendant found at a street market in NYC. Ring by @bobbi.lukow.
I do love a good bracelet stack; these are (left to right): metal beads made from recycled brass and aluminum in an African country (can’t remember the website on this one), limestone beads from Korcula, Croatia, beaded bracelet from Lyon, France (I added the Paris flea market charm), The Museum of Contemporary Art gift shop (in Chicago), howlite beads from NYC (street market), and agate beads from @sohoneyco. #fashionfriday#farmersmarket #wiwt#fashionover50